Sunday, May 27, 2012

Device it! Pep talks aren’t enough | Vishal Badani's Blog

Device it! Pep talks aren’t enough | Vishal Badani's Blog

Pep talks are great. They bring a high in some, allow some to vent out their under-realized passions. Encouragement in any form is an incredible advantage. All seems enthusiastic when you’re bolstered with a celebrated speech. Conversely, rendering pep talks as a substitute to solutions – never make that silent resignation.
The reward will only be a real result when you – collaborate, communicate, (crucially important) plan with past experiences, facts and figures, establish timelines to achieve, execute the plan (keeping everyone updated timely), track the movement, watch it all happen! Appreciation is a better replacement to ‘pep talks without real solutions and timeframes’.
Tracking facilitates development of back-up plans but the factual irony means that the primary plan sounds like a jeopardized affair if back-ups were an initial requirement. The truth be pronounced—if you are planning a back-up, your plan and motivation is not strong enough. Many may want to hold up this truth by justifying ‘calculated risks’ as an interesting way to remain committed to the plan. I still wonder how calculated risks seem different from risks per-se. Back-ups must be an after thought, always.
Contemporaries would say—challenging situations often have exciting ends. Let the fascination begin soon enough, but with facts, solutions, improving performance, then motivation! Experiential learning is the resultant advantage that may as well change your life trajectory, only for the better.