Monday, December 05, 2011

Bulls-eye | Vishal Badani's Blog

Bulls-eye | Vishal Badani's Blog

The right question at the right time — now that’s being bang on target. And how much could you afford to think about it? Surely, affordability in terms of time is what you rightly found more precious than ‘thinking’. And if you didn’t, you need some spare time to re-think. Read this piece again after you finish reading it all (specially that what you read above).
The issue arrives at the point when you encounter an answer that you didn’t anticipate. And whether the answer was never manipulated is the big question.
What could you have done about it? — Really, nothing. Its whom you asked (your sampling)should have been more important in the first place. Antagonists are handy, and they are needed by enterprises. Only the limit of irritation or non-duplication (or both) need be set.
The right question at the right time — is ‘now’, no matter how you felt while asking, no matter what others felt while hearing. Toss your thoughts out, but only for learning, for improvements.
Being apocalyptic for the wrong habit is the lowest low, do you believe?