Friday, November 04, 2011

Move your butt and brains, together

I’m not myself until time changes, until deadlines, pressures, targets, time-frames close in. You and I wait for the approaching zero hour. Where’s the imagination leading? No, I’m not that. Sorry.
Forecast, make changes, upgrade, then fail – acceptable. Don’t move, wait for the time to come, don’t change, don’t give up to move on to something better – that’s downgrading your existence. Your frequency of anticipating incorrect possibilities shall incrementally rise.
Critically true, life’s simpler with changes since you work towards it, making it more charming. You enjoy the complexity it brings along.
Bizarrely, I think of a Marilyn Monroe quote: “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring”. And that happens when you’re doing everything seemingly right, but virtually, contributing nothing.